What is a typical day like for a student?
Each day begins with a nutritious breakfast, followed by the pledge of allegiance outside at our flag poles. Then, it’s off to school and classes for the day. In the evening, students eat dinner then head to extracurriculars, study hall, and other evening activities until lights out back at the dormitory.

Apply to Jones Academy
Our free school for Native American students accepts youth in grades 1-12 who are members of a federally recognized tribe. All students must provide a certificate of degree of Indian blood issued by the Bureau of Indian Affairs Agency, respective tribe, or other proof.
How to Apply
The application and admissions process to attend our free school for Native American youth is simple. There are three steps:
Contact Jones Academy or download an application form to get started. Questions? Reach out to our staff toll-free at (888) 767-2518 or call (918) 297-2518.
Submit your completed application to Jones Academy with the following documents:
Copy of CDIB card and/or tribal membership documentation
Up-to-date immunization records
Copy of original birth certificate
Copy of social security card
Current report card (for Elementary/Junior High students
Transcript (10th – 12th grade)
Copy of current Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and current testing (if applicable)
Current list of medications and letter from a physician explaining type of medication, dosage, and why student is on medication
Document(s) showing guardianship and/or legal custody (if applicable)
Mail your application to:
Jones Academy
909 Jones Academy
Hartshorne, OK 74547
Jones Academy will review the student’s application to determine if we can provide a beneficial individual program plan. True and accurate information must be provided about the student and failure to do so may be grounds for dismissal or non-acceptance to Jones Academy.
For Parents
Together, we’re more. Parents are an essential part of student success at our school for Native American youth. Here are answers to commonly asked questions from parents of Jones Academy students:

Can students come home to visit?
Yes! One home visit per month is recommended for most students. To help students keep a great track record of attendance, we ask that parents or guardians checkout students after school is out and return students on time so that they do not miss class. Many parents schedule visits around long weekends and holidays.
If a student wants to leave with someone not authorized by the school or on the student’s authorized checkout list, a legal guardian or parent must give permission to do so in the form of a letter to the dormitory manager.
To keep a close tie to home life, we recommend parents send letters and keeping in touch via phone, as well.

Can I visit my child at Jones Academy?
Yes, parents and guardians are welcome, along with family members and friends. All visitors to campus are required to have a visitor’s badge and check-in at the administrative office during business hours or the dormitory office at other times. We welcome you to dine with your child at mealtime or visit with them in another space on campus.

Will I be in contact with my children’s teachers?
Absolutely. You will be an essential part of your child’s success at Jones Academy. Teachers will call parents or guardians throughout the semester. Parent-teacher conferences occur in September, November, and February.

How can I check on my child’s school progress?
Our teachers and staff are here to collaborate with you to ensure your child’s success. You will be able to check-in with teachers via phone or parent-teacher conferences. Progress reports are sent out on the fifth week of each nine-week period.
Documents and Forms
Student/Parent Handbook
Learn more about how we provide a free education for Native American youth by reviewing our student/parent handbook.
Online Pre-Enrollment Form
Our pre-enrollment form gathers necessary information for enrolled students.
Student Application
Get started on filling out an application to attend Jones Academy.
Application Timeline

Applications are accepted year-round. School begins in August and ends in May.